Author - Alba Abad

We are in Pokhara!

Our first workshop outside the Kathmandu Valley! We engage 50 students (class 6 to 8) from four schools in Pokhara: Hill Point Secondary School, Spiral Galaxy, Bal Prabhat and Sital...

Stall at ICBB 2020 conference, Pokhara

This is our stall at the International Conference for Bioscience and Biotechnology 2020 (Pokhara, Nepal), organised by RIBB. Great opportunity to discuss with all participants about our work engaging Nepalese...

CELLS workshop in Lubhu, Lalitpur

We bring our workshop CELLS to four schools in Lubhu (West Wing school, Shree Mahalaxmi school, Mahalaxmi Academy and Lubhu Secondary school) for class 5 students. We explore the differences...